Richard Styner San Leandro Teacher

Richard STYNER

My ISTE Portfolio

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Mentoring A teacher in Video Integration: Objectives

Richard Styners Peer Coaching



Before The Lesson

  • Prerequisites

  • Estimated Time and Purpose

  • Instructional Goals

  • Objectives and Variability


    1. Students will plan and create a documentary film of their choice of topic.
    2. Use of technology, such as, iMovie, Adobe Premiere, Windows Movie Maker, Goanimate, Common Craft will be integrated in lesson.


    This lesson is collaborative and allows for many opportunities of adaptation for students that have special needs or educational differences. Modifications such as film distribution for independent viewing, cameras that are attached too easily manipulated tripods, and less rigorous video editing software is available.


  • Formative Accessment and Summative Assessment

The Lesson Plan